1300 468 931


2 January 2014

Buy the Best Dodge Car Battery from a Reputable Service

Dodge is a short name of the Dodge Division of Chrysler Corporation. This company is very well-known for its minivans, automobiles, sport utility vehicles, and many other cars. It is based on Auburn Hills, Michigan. Dodge is considered as one of the best American car brands these days. Many people claim that they are able to feel comfortable with any Dodge cars. This brand is very well-known for its heavy duty vehicles. You can find a lot of off-road vehicles that are produced by this company. You can find a lot of Dodge vehicles in many different countries and regions.

This company was founded in 1900 by Horace and John Dodge. Dodge Brothers was the initial name of this company. Its headquarter was in Detroit, United States. Dodge Model 30 was the most popular car from this company. Since the beginning of this company, it has been improving its vehicles’ quality and performance. As the result, you can find a lot of great features from Dodge cars. You should be able to find some types of vehicles that are offered by this company, for example trucks, vans, medium-sized cars, sport utility vehicles, and some other models. You can choose your favorite model easily.

Many people are looking for the Dodge Avenger. It is a great car that is offered by this company. This car has some interesting features that are useful for all users. It is well-known for its safety and reliability feature. Dodge Avenger is equipped with powerful V6 engine option. This engine can produce the highest horsepower energy in the class. Its steering ability is very responsive to the driver. You can handle this car easily without having any issues. The interior design of this car is another important feature from this car. The front and rear seats are made from high quality and comfortable materials.

Dodge Grand Caravan is another popular model from this company. This minivan becomes very popular because of its high quality features. This car can provide up to 17/25 miles per gallon city/highway. This rating is an average score for a common minivan. It comes with good safety features, such as strong brake, comfortable handling system, and some other additional features. This car is available at very affordable price. You don’t have to spend your money for purchasing this car. It is a powerful car that is suitable to handle any heavy duty projects. You and your families should be able to enjoy your experience in this car.

There are some important accessories for your Dodge car. It is important to prepare all of these accessories at any time you want. Some accessories are very useful to support the performance of this car. The Dodge car battery Gold Coast is an important part of your car. When you have any problems with this battery, you can contact 1300 468 931 immediately. It is a great store that offers high quality batteries for your Dodge car. There are some batteries that can be used in your Dodge car without any problems. During any emergency situation, you are still able to contact this number to get the best battery replacement service easily.


roadside response customer reviews

“Thanks for the Fuel guys, i’ll recommend you again”

Jerry G.

I used your battery replacement service yesterday and want to compliment you on the quality of service supplied by your team and especially the representative who attended my request. I am very satisfied with the solution he provided.

Anthony Sharwood

My car broke down (nothing to do with a battery) on my way to work – my thanks to your company for employing staff who give such wonderful attention they gave to an elderly lady

Scarlett Russell

I ran out of fuel on the way to work and Response came to the rescue, 1 hour in all that traffic was just amazing. Saved my day

Huyen A.

I just want to thank you for getting to my house so fast. The car didn’t want to start this morning and I needed to get to work. The guy who changed the battery was real friendly and I was able to get to work almost on time (only 12 minutes late).

Lana Wilkinson

I wanted to drop a quick note to say that although Garry had to fight a lot of traffic to get to me he was very professional, friendly and helpful.

Thomas Do

“Just wanted to thank you guys for your help today, Matt (service tech) was amazingly helpful and prompt”

Greg C.

“No Road Assist Membership & needed a jumpstart at the Airport, 45 minutes from start to finish, great job!”

Dale Z.

“I left my lights on overnight, your jump-start service is a life saver. Off to work now! thanks..”

Jade L.